Dev in a Box

WinUI 3 Deep Dive


An In-depth Look at WinUI 3

Welcome to our comprehensive exploration of WinUI 3, the latest iteration of Microsoft’s user interface (UI) framework. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the technical intricacies of WinUI 3, discussing its benefits, challenges, and future prospects. We’ll also provide some advanced code snippets to showcase the power and flexibility of this framework.

Understanding WinUI 3

WinUI 3 is the latest version of Microsoft’s UI framework for Windows. It’s part of the Windows App SDK, a set of libraries and tools that allow developers to create modern Windows apps with seamless user experiences. As a native UI framework, WinUI 3 is optimized for Windows, providing a high-performance, flexible, and reliable UI layer for your application. It’s a decoupled version of the UWP XAML visual layer, enabling developers to use the same modern and native UI platform across all Windows 10X, Windows 10, and down-level Windows versions.

A Closer Look at WinUI 3’s Technical Intricacies

WinUI 3 is designed with performance in mind. Microsoft has optimized the framework to ensure that apps built with WinUI 3 run smoothly and efficiently. The decoupling of the UI layer from the OS allows for faster updates and improvements, independent of the Windows OS updates.

Startup Performance

WinUI 3 applications have a faster startup time compared to their UWP counterparts. This is because WinUI 3 does not rely on the .NET Native runtime, which was a major factor in the slow startup times of UWP apps.

Memory Usage

WinUI 3 also excels in terms of memory usage. It has a smaller memory footprint compared to UWP and other older frameworks like WPF and WinForms. This is due to the native compilation and the efficient rendering pipeline of WinUI 3.

Advanced Code Snippets

Let’s delve into some advanced code snippets that showcase the power and flexibility of WinUI 3. Here’s an example of creating a custom control in WinUI 3:

public sealed class CustomButton : Control
    public CustomButton()
        this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(CustomButton);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ButtonTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        "ButtonText", typeof(string), typeof(CustomButton), new PropertyMetadata(default(string)));

    public string ButtonText
        get { return (string)GetValue(ButtonTextProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ButtonTextProperty, value); }

In this code snippet, we’re creating a new CustomButton control that derives from the Control base class. This control has a ButtonText property that can be used to set the text of the button.

Interoperability with .NET 5 onwards and C++

One of the key features of WinUI 3 is its interoperability with .NET 5 and C++. This means you can use the same WinUI 3 APIs whether you’re writing your code in C# or C++. Here’s an example of creating a custom control in C++:

struct CustomButton : winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ControlT<CustomButton>
    winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable ButtonText();

    void ButtonText(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& value);

    static winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyProperty ButtonTextProperty();

This code does the same thing as the C# code above, but in C++. As you can see, the syntax is different, but the underlying WinUI 3 APIs are the same.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite its many advantages, WinUI 3 is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges with WinUI 3 is its limited backward compatibility. Currently, it only supports apps targeting Windows 10, version 1803, and later. This means that if you’re developing an app for a broad user base, you could potentially exclude a portion of your users who are on older Windows versions. This is a significant consideration, especially for enterprise applications where users may not always be on the latest version of Windows.

Looking ahead, WinUI 3 is set to play a crucial role in the Windows development ecosystem. Microsoft is investing heavily in the framework, with plans for regular updates and new features. The roadmap for WinUI 3 includes support for more controls, improved performance, and better interoperability with other technologies. It’s clear that Microsoft sees WinUI 3 as the future of Windows development, and it’s likely that we’ll see further improvements in the framework as the technology matures.


In conclusion, WinUI 3 represents a significant step forward in the Windows development landscape. It brings modern design, improved performance, and a unified approach to UI development. Despite some challenges, its future looks promising, and it’s certainly a technology that developers should consider for their next Windows app project. As we continue to explore and understand this framework, we look forward to seeing the innovative and user-friendly applications that it will enable.

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